ACTIVITIES SURROUNDING The domainGaudon"The Castle"is locatedin an area calledTuscanyof Auvergne.This isan area betweenthe cities ofClermont-Ferrand,Thiers,AmbertandIssoire, whichis named afterCatherine de Mediciand theQueen Margot,ofTuscanorigin,trappedin Auvergne,ussonthe seventeenth century.Itshillyarea,green,quiet and woodedpoplarsare indeedthinking aboutthe ItalianTuscany.Placedsomewhere betweenthe Forezand the Puyde Dome, it offersnot only the choiceof the reliefbut alsomany activities.To discover thevariety of itslandscapes andtypicalvillages, ballads"discovery of the environment"are offeredon foot,by bike, motorcycle, horse ordonkey, plusaviation activities.Auvergne isfamous for itslakes andvolcanoesaround whichwater bodiesare located,historiccastlesroadone of whichis illustrated in thefilming of "Les Choristes",museums,gardens,its artisanworkshops androadcheeseswill delight you.
ONyou can benefit: -Thewellness area -The parkand arboretum(guided tourbythe ownerif youwish) -Differentplaces ofrest and relaxation(patio,gazebo, decketc ...) -A viewpointlocated at the beginningof the botanicalpathyou will discoverour wonderful Tuscanlandscape ofthe Auvergneandthe Auvergnevolcanoes. -FurnishedBirdObservatory -In our pondyou can fishfor trout,black bass, tench, carp, roachetc ... -A journey of"swin golf"is available, it's afun way to discoverthe park - This is thestartof differentrides.
MINI GOLF in construction...
VOLCANOES Visible fromthis property SetdomesMountainslie between theSioule gorgesand the greatplain of Limagneover alength of 40kilometers.They include80extinct volcanoesolder thantwo million years, the mostrecent ones haveless than 5000ans
CASTELS here aremore than 40castlesclassified ashistorical monumentsin Auvergne.Many of thesecastlesare inTuscanyAuvergne:
-FortressMauzun -CastleParentignat - The castleof SaintDier d'Auvergne "TheMartinanches" -CastleMontmorin -CastleBusséol -The Castle ofLa Barge -Ravel's castlein whichwas filmed insummer 2003the film "Les Choristes" -CastleAulteribe(consideredone of the mostfurnishedin France) -CastleVollorewhereconcertsareregularly produce...
LANDSCAPES AND VILLAGES TheDomainGaudonisideally locatedbetween the chain ofdomes andthe massivedrillin theRegional Natural Park ofLivradoisyou can enjoy: the calmand beauty of theTuscan landscapeof Auvergneseem to inspiremany artists.Painters, sculptors,glassmasters, artcabinetmakers, visualrecorders, soundcollectors,harnessandpoetshave settledin the village ofCunlhat6Kms andare willingto meet with youthroughout the year.Cunlhatis also thehometownof filmmakerMauricePiallatwhowas bornon August 21, 1925.Otherplacesto see:
-Theverypretty villages:Usson(orstayedMarguerite de Valoisdaughter of Catherinede Medicipendand22) Montpeyroux(bothranked in themost beautiful villages inFrance) Olliergues Billom(medieval) Vic-le-Comte -Small towns:Thiers(capitalof the knife,to nbxmuseums,nbsestimberedhouses) Ambert(nbxmuseums andround town hall) Issoire(RomanesqueStAustellAbatiale)
-TheJasserieblackcockin Saint-Anthème...
With the combination of AOC cheeses of Auvergne, you can browse the cheese route which includes 34 producers and 13 farmers cheese dairies will be pleased to welcome you. Other places to visit:
- House Fourme d'Ambert (recommended)
- Enamels lava, making Volvic lava, enamelling Billom (20 Kms)
- Pottery twigs Lezoux ...
- Garden earth Arlanc
- Augerolles mycological park ...
MUSEUMS -Heritage Museumin Sauxillanges(recommended) -Ceramics Museumin Lezoux(recommended) -MuseumFourmed'AmbertAmbert(recommended) - PaperMuseumRichard de Basin Ambert(recommended) - Museum ofAgricultural Machineryin Ambert -Lace Museumin Arlanc(35Kms) -Museum of cutleryin Thiers(23Kms)(recommended) - GlassHousePuy-Guillaume - AdventureMuseumMichelin(recommended)
Initiation delta wing flight, first flight, flight school, sightseeing flights, aerobatics, ULM in Ambert (35 Kms)
Tuscany Auvergne is a privileged region for the practice of motorsports. From 1989 to 2002, Cunlhat hosted the largest European gathering of Harley Davidson "Free Wheels", and is in Thiers that took place last enduro world championships in May 2004. A few tens of kilometers, you have the opportunity to practice several motorsports:
- Introduction to trial in Vollore Mountain
- Flying school, motocross, enduro, trials, quad, 4x4, monitor FFM state diploma Auzelles
- Karting in Bort L'Etang